- Establishment of 94 protected areas classified as National Park based on the requirements of the Philippine Constitution and RA 7586;
- Provides permanency in setting the boundaries of protected areas pursuant to the Philippine Constitution;
- Creation of the Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) for each of the protected area established under the System together with the appointment of a Protected Area Superintendent and regular PA staff with plantilla positions;
- Reiterates the provisions of RA 10629 on the retention of 75% of IPAF collection for the direct use of protected areas at the site and clarifies the utilization of 25% of the IPAF collection;
- Expanding the membership in the Protected Areas Management Board (PAMB); provides options for the inclusion of governors, senators and congressman and representatives of national agencies and academic institutions; and ensures ample representation of women in the PAMB;
- Emphasized the role of DENR in the administration and management of NIPAS thru the Biodiversity Management Bureau;
- Designation of Buffer Zones by the DENR upon recommendation of the PAMB;
- Recognition of existing local communities, townships and town centers, as well territories and areas occupied by indigenous peoples;
- provides mechanisms for renewable energy development within protected areas subject to adoption of reduced impact technologies, EIA and safeguards to ensure integrity of ecosystem functions and biodiversity;
- Revises/widens the coverage of prohibited acts (including Treasure Hunting) and updates the penalty provisions for easy evidence gathering and prosecution;
- Requires the Department of Justice to appoint special prosecutors for violators of the laws, rules and regulations in the protected areas;
- Imposition of higher fines and penalties;
- Inclusion of administrative and criminal liabilities of concerned Local Government Units (LGUs)
- Requires inventory of existing facilities within protected areas;
- Granting of tax exemption for all grants, bequests, endowments, donations, and contributions made to the IPAF;
- Funding priority is provided to legislated Protected Areas (by DBM)