Monday,March 30, 2020

Terms of Use


This website have images from the collection of the Biodiversity Management Bureau as the National Focal Point for the Philippine Clearing House Mechanism. It also have images sourced from articles and websites from other members of the Philippine Clearing House Mechanism (Phil-CHM). Some images were sourced from the web under the CC-By license attribution. Sources if available are appropriately acknowledged and cited in recognition of their rights and ownership of the images and/or videos. The use of these images in this website is intended only for public information, awareness and education about the importance of biodiversity and the need for it’s conservation and protection for future generations.


The use of any image from this website to any other platform conversion into any other format is subject to permission from their respective owner and must be subject to the proper license and citation. Use and re-use of any of these images for commercial purposes is strictly discouraged.


References and Articles


This website have articles and other content that are referred and/or linked form other articles,publications, website and social media posts. These sources are properly cited as “Source” and “Further reading” to recognize their rights on the information. It also have articles and publications from other members of the Philippine Clearing House Mechanism (Phil-CHM). The use, reference and link to these information of this website is intended only for public information, awareness and education about the importance of biodiversity and the need for it’s conservation and protection for future generations.


Re-use of any article, document, publication or other information from this website authored and contributed by BMB or any other PhilCHM partner must be properly cited. The use of any of these information for commercial purposes is strictly discouraged.


Accuracy of Data


Information from this website are managed and maintained regularly subject to the collected and submitted data from the PhilCHM network. Although we adhere to provide updated information, some information may be outdated which maybe beyond our control. We therefore recommend to inform the PhilCHM National Focal Point thru email address: or for any data that may seem outdated or obsolete.


Thank you very much.