FishBase is a global species database (GSD) with finfish information catering to different professionals such as research scientists, fisheries managers, zoologists and many more. This GSD on the web contains practically all fish species known to science with information for at least 34,000 species.
BIODIVERSITY-FRIENDLY ENTERPRISES (BDFEs) – are ECONOMIC activities and practices of micro, small and medium enterprises, local government units and people’s organizations that promote the SUSTAINABLE USE of biological resources; create wealth and value;and open opportunities for the EQUITABLE sharing of benefits among stakeholders
2. Biodiversity Friendly Enterprises (BDFE) Database
3. Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines – the website with checklist of vascular plants native to the Philippines (including Bamboo species). The site also has information on its distribution within and outside of the Philippines, flowering and fruiting times, and its economic uses.
*****Sources and Further Reading*****