Thursday,March 3, 2022

Ensuring Sustainable Benefits from Peatland through Protection and Wise Use (ESBenePeat)


Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Implementing Agency

Biodiversity Management Bureau – Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Funding Support:

Co-funded by European Union (EU) and Federal Republic of Germany (BMU)

Allocated Budget:

Euro 750,000 (Ceiling to Philippines based on the result of the SUPA Inception Workshop)

Euro 713,252 (Actual proposed budget)

Project Duration:

Estimated start date: July 2021

Estimated end date: December 2022

Objective of the project:

General Objective:

This project aims to ensure provision of the ecological functions and services of the country’s peatland through protection and sustainable management.

Specific Objectives:

  1. To establish a state-of-the-art knowledge management system that will support decision-making and the formulation of science-based policies for the wise use, conservation and rehabilitation of Philippine peatlands;
  2. To evaluate the current National Action Plan on Peatlands and make necessary adjustments in terms of activities and targets and to align these to the revised APMS;
  3. To enhance awareness and technical knowledge on peatland at the national and local levels;
  4. To strengthen institutional capacity on peatland conservation and management;
  5. To conserve existing peatlands with high functional and conservation values;
  6. To mitigate greenhouse gas emission by reforesting, rewetting and rehabilitation of degraded peatlands;
  7. To identify and enhance biodiversity-friendly practices in the Caimpugan PSF and Leyte Sab-a Basin as means of livelihood for the communities and at the same time ensuring protection of peatlands.

Proposed Outputs:

The following are the proposed outputs of the project:

  1. State-of-the-art knowledge management systems on Philippine peatlands established
  2. National Action Plan on Peatlands updated and peatland policies strengthened
  3. Concerned agencies/institutions and stakeholders’ capacity on peatland management strengthened and enhanced
  4. Protection and rehabilitation measured carried out in suitable peatland sites
  5. Identified and developed biodiversity-friendly practices for peatland dependent communities

Institutional Arrangement:

The main project management unit (PMU) at the regional level is the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH which also supports the Environment Division of the ASEAN Secretariat in the implementation of the SUPA project.

The DENR-BMB will be the lead project implementing agency at the country level. The PMU for the country level will be created and will be based in the BMB. It will coordinate activities at the national and sub-national levels in close coordination with other DENR units and offices as well as with concerned government institutions. For the Work Package 4 Protection and Rehabilitation of Peatlands, the DILG-Bureau of Fire Protection and ERDB will be directly tapped to conduct R&D and activities related to wild land fire suppression and prevention, respectively. At the site level, the project will be implemented by the DENR field offices in Regions 8 and 13. With the direct involvement of the BFP, ERDB, DENR Regions 8 and 13 in the project implementation, part of the project funds will be downloaded to these offices. Multi-sectoral and inter-agency national and local technical working groups will be created to function as project implementation/ steering committees and oversee project implementation at both the national and site level.



Institution/Organization/Stakeholder Expected Roles/Nature of participation
DENR (Forest Management Bureau, Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau, Environmental Management Bureau, Land Management Bureau, Foreign Assisted and Special Project Offices, Regional and Field Offices) National coordination, policy formulation, linkage/ networking, fund sourcing, technical assistance
Department of Agriculture Policy formulation, technical assistance and support in areas  of  agriculture, soil and water management
Department of Agrarian Reform Policy formulation, technical assistance and support in areas  of  land tenure security to the farmer beneficiaries of agrarian reform
Departments of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Tourism (DoT), Trade and Industry (DTI), Science and Technology (DOST), Social Welfare and Development (DSWD); National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) and other national agencies mentioned in the NAPP Policy formulation and technical assistance pertaining to their areas of concerns and jurisdictions
Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary Protected Area Management Board Local coordination, site policy formulation, networking and fund sourcing for the Caimpugan PSF and other peatlands within Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary
Local Government units Local coordination, site policy formulation, networking and linkage/ networking, fund sourcing
Academe (national and site based) Training, technical support in  inventory and assessments and research related activities
Non-Government Organizations Advocacy and awareness raising;  fund sourcing
Site-Based NGOs/CSOs (e.g. youth organization, if any) Advocacy and awareness raising; co-implementer
Peoples Organizations/Community Based Organizations/local communities Co-implementer

Proposed Activities:

There are 5 major activities (Work Package) with different sets of sub-activities as shown in the table below:

Work Package Activities
Activity 1. Assessment, GIS Mapping and Database Establishment Peatland inventory and mappingData gathering, desktop review and mappingMeetings and workshops for preparation of the reports and mapsMapping and layouting DelineationPeatland assessment and characterizationBiophysical Assessment Carbon stock assessmentHydrological/watershed assessmentLaboratory analysisDatabase developmentPrinting of final map and assessment report
Activity 2. Strengthening of Peatland Policy and Updating of the National Action Plan on Peatlands Review, updating and adoption of the NAPP 2006-2020    Conduct of meetings and workshops Drafting/Writing of the Updated NAPP Layout, publication and printingDevelopment of guidelines for assessment and monitoring of peatland areas for ecological change and management purposesDevelopment of guidelines on the establishment of local conservation areas which recognizes peatlands
Activity 3. Strengthening and enhancement of the capacity of relevant agencies and other concerned stakeholders on peatland management Enhancement of communication plan for peatland protection, conservation and sustainable managementCapacity Building of relevant government agencies at the national and sub-national level including the existing peatland management council on peatland assessment, monitoring and mapping (Conduct of Training of Trainers)Capacity building for communities around the pilot sites on participatory assessments and monitoring to improve local knowledge on peatlands and its protection and sustainable use Revitalization of the operations of inter-agency national working group and local working groups in the review of existing laws and policies, recommendation of policies and implementation of institutional structures for the management of peatlands; Conduct of peatland-related lectures and presentations to government agencies, Local Government Units, schools, local communities and members of civil societyDevelopment, production and publication of different IEC collaterals on peatlands and sustainable peatland managementConduct of a Peatland Summit for information and experience-sharing in peatland management
Activity 4. Protection and Rehabilitation of Peatlands     Conduct of R&D on peatland rehabilitation and resiliency strategyDevelopment of rehabilitation plan (to include forest fire recovery plan) for Leyte Sab-a and Agusan MarshSetting up and operationalization of community volunteers for the protection and conservation of peatlands Develop and implement module on community-based fire prevention and control, including fire disaster preparedness and early-warning and quick-response schemes (possibly relating to Fire Disaster Rating System and hotspot) On-the-job training of community volunteers of land and forest fire prevention and controlPeatland Revegetation using native species/Implementation of Rehabilitation Plan Establishment of native species nursery (Agusan);  Maintenance and enhancement of the native species nursery (Leyte)  Monitoring, maintenance and protection of rehabilitation sitesInitiate establishment of peatland as local conservation area or through higher form of policy  
Activity 5. Identification and Enhancement of Biodiversity-Friendly Practices for peatland communities Conduct of enhancement trainings of the existing community livelihood in Agusan Marsh Conduct of consultation workshop for the identification of existing and other potential livelihood in degraded peatlands (e.g. paludiculture)Establishment of demonstration sites for paludicultureProvision of support to existing ecotourism activities in Agusan Marsh (e.g. design and construction of boardwalk suitable in peatland, souvenir making)Documentation of best practices on biodiversity-friendly peatland agriculture  

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