Local Conservation Areas – are Biodiversity conservation areas within a Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) but outside the Protected Area(PA) system which is established and managed by Local Government Units (LGUs).
LCA is a standard terminology used to describe small conservation areas that are covered or managed by the LGUs even without the help of the national government. This can be a locally declared “critical habitat” declared through municipal ordinance, marine sanctuaries established by LGUs, small important areas that need protection, certain lakes which are important ecosystems, or watering areas of migratory species. LSA’s can also be a joint declaration or collaboration of two or more LGUs, barangays, municipalities or provinces, depending on the extent of the area to be declared as an LCA.
Critical Habitats – refer to areas outside protected areas under Republic Act No. 7586 that are known habitats of threatened species. These areas are designated as critical areas based on scientific data taking into consideration species endemicity and/or richness, presence of man-made pressures and threats to the survival of wildlife living in the area, among others. There are nine(9) critical habitat declared/proclaimed through legal instruments covering almost 60,000 has. They are areas declared for protection of specific species and ecosystems. read more
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